Exploring the Halving Crypto Phenomenon: Fee Madness and the Rise of Runes

Exploring the Halving Crypto Phenomenon: Fee Madness and the Rise of Runes

The halving crypto phenomenon, a crucial process reducing the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions by half approximately every four years, addresses inflation while maintaining scarcity, playing a significant role in the cryptocurrency's value and investment appeal [1]. This event not only influences the crypto halving schedule and mining rewards but also impacts the broader dynamics of cryptocurrency halving, altering the landscape of digital currencies by introducing scarcity [1] [2] [5]. The introduction of the Runes Protocol emerges as a response to the challenges and opportunities presented by halvings, indicating a shift in the strategies to maintain profitability and sustainability in the mining sector, while adapting to the halving meaning in crypto [1]. As the next halving approaches, anticipated to further reduce mining rewards, it underscores the evolving nature of halvings, pushing the boundaries of cryptocurrency innovation and investment strategies [1] [3] [4].

Bitcoin's Halving Event and Its Impact on Transaction Fees

Surge in Transaction Fees Post-Halving

Following the Bitcoin halving event on April 20, 2024, there was a significant spike in transaction fees across the Bitcoin network. The median fee, measured in satoshis per byte, soared to 1,805 sats/vByte from a mere 100 sats/vByte before the halving [6]. This substantial increase reflects the heightened demand for transaction processing in a newly constrained supply environment. On that day, the transaction fees hit a record with one payment to ViaBTC costing 37.7 BTC, approximately $2.4 million, indicating the intense competition for block space [7].

Impact on Miner Revenue and Network Security

The halving reduces the block reward, which is a critical source of income for miners. Post-2020 halving, the block reward diminished from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC, and following the 2024 event, it further halved to 3.125 BTC [10] [11]. This reduction compels miners to rely more heavily on transaction fees as a revenue stream. Initially, this led to an increase in fees due to the escalated demand for block space. However, as the mining difficulty adjusted, fees stabilized, although they remained higher compared to pre-halving levels [10]. There are ongoing concerns about whether these fees will suffice to maintain the network's security as block rewards continue to decrease [4].

Long-Term Trends and Predictions

Looking ahead, the next halving in 2028 is expected to further impact transaction fees and miner economics [12]. Historically, each halving event has been followed by an increase in Bitcoin's price, suggesting potential future rises in transaction fees as the currency becomes scarcer and demand grows [5] [11]. However, the relationship between halving events, transaction fees, and Bitcoin’s price is complex and influenced by numerous factors, including market dynamics and broader economic conditions [10] [14].

Introduction of the Runes Protocol

Runes Protocol: A New Token Standard

The Runes Protocol, introduced by Bitcoin developer Casey Rodarmor in September 2023, represents a significant advancement in the way fungible tokens are issued on the Bitcoin network [15]. This protocol, distinctively UTXO-based, contrasts sharply with other systems like Taproot Assets and RGB, which depend on off-chain data [15]. Scheduled to launch in April 2024, the Runes Protocol aligns its debut with the upcoming Bitcoin halving, positioning itself at a strategic juncture in the crypto timeline [15].

Operational Mechanics and Innovations

Runes Protocol operates without a native token, setting it apart from systems like the Omni Layer and Counterparty, which require such tokens [15]. It utilizes a unique method where a Rune is assigned to a UTXO through a protocol message that specifies the output, ID, and amount using OP_RETURN [15]. This method not only simplifies the token creation process but also ensures that all token balances are recorded directly within the blockchain, enhancing security and transparency [15].

Advantages and Impact on Bitcoin's Ecosystem

By minimizing the creation of junk UTXOs, which are prevalent in systems like BRC-20, Runes Protocol offers a more streamlined and efficient approach, reducing network congestion [15]. This protocol not only fosters innovation but also could significantly expand Bitcoin’s utility, attracting more users and potentially increasing revenue for miners [15]. Moreover, the introduction of this protocol encourages proper UTXO management, as evidenced by the creation of cenotaphs—runestones with errors—which are burned, thus promoting accuracy in transactions [15].

Comparing Pre and Post-Halving Fee Structures

Fee Structure Analysis: Before and After Halving Events

The Bitcoin halving events significantly reshape the fee structures within the network. Prior to a halving, transaction fees are generally lower due to the higher block rewards which provide sufficient incentive for miners. For example, before the 2024 halving, the average transaction fee was around 100 sats/vByte, which was manageable for most users [6].

Post-halving, the scenario changes drastically. The reduction in block rewards, such as the drop from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC in 2024, forces miners to depend more on transaction fees for their revenue [10] [11]. This dependency leads to an increase in fees as miners choose to prioritize transactions with higher fees to maintain their profitability. Following the 2024 halving, the fees spiked to an unprecedented 1,805 sats/vByte on average [6].

This pattern suggests a cyclic impact on the network’s economy, influencing user behavior and miner activity. The high fees post-halving can deter small transactions and could potentially slow down the adoption rate of Bitcoin for daily small-scale transactions. However, these increased fees also encourage the development and adoption of second-layer solutions like the Lightning Network, which can handle transactions off the main Bitcoin blockchain, thus alleviating congestion and reducing fees [7].


Throughout the explorative journey of crypto halving, the phenomena reveal a complex interplay between reduced mining rewards, surging transaction fees, and the innovative strategies shaping the crypto ecosystem. The launch of the Runes Protocol notably marks a pivotal shift towards enhancing Bitcoin's functionality and miner revenue pathways, amidst the backdrop of economic adjustments compelled by halving events. These dynamics underscore a transformative period in the cryptocurrency world, where adaptation and technological advancement drive the narrative of scarcity, value, and efficiency.

As the crypto community navigates the ripple effects of halving on market structures and miner economics, the significance of such events extends beyond immediate financial implications, hinting at a broader evolution of blockchain technologies and their role in shaping digital economies. The anticipation surrounding future halvings and their impact on the crypto landscape invites a continued discourse on sustainability, innovation, and the balancing act between incentivizing miners and maintaining accessible transaction fees. This ongoing conversation not only enriches our understanding of cryptocurrency mechanisms but also emphasizes the importance of forward-looking strategies in fostering a robust digital asset ecosystem.


  1. What is expected to occur following the Bitcoin halving in 2024?
    The 2024 Bitcoin halving may not immediately impact the market price significantly. However, it is anticipated to influence the long-term supply-and-demand dynamics of Bitcoin. As the mining rewards decrease, the scarcity of Bitcoin will increase, potentially leading to an increase in its value over time.
  2. Can you explain what 'halving' means in the context of cryptocurrencies?
    Halving is a process in cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin, where the rate at which new coins are generated is cut in half. This event occurs periodically until the final Bitcoin is expected to be mined around 2140. The purpose of halving is to reduce the available supply gradually, making the cryptocurrency increasingly scarce and possibly more valuable as demand continues to grow.
  3. What is the RUNES protocol?
    Introduced in September 2023, the RUNES protocol is a new development within the cryptocurrency industry designed to enhance the efficiency of fungible tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain. Since its launch, it has drawn considerable attention, with minters having already expended over 80 Bitcoins in transaction fees to obtain these tokens.
  4. At which block did Bitcoin's fourth halving take place?
    The fourth halving of Bitcoin occurred at block height 840,000. This event marked the beginning of a new era for the Bitcoin network. Despite community hopes for the halving to coincide with the meme-friendly date of April 20th, it did not occur on this date in the U.S. market, likely due to miners increasing their hash rates in anticipation of the reduced mining reward.


[1] - https://www.investopedia.com/bitcoin-halving-4843769
[2] - https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/cryptocurrency/bitcoin-halving/
[3] - https://www.coinbase.com/bitcoin-halving
[4] - https://www.coindesk.com/learn/bitcoin-halving-explained/
[5] - https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/bitcoin-traders-shrug-off-halving-focus-broader-market-risks-2024-04-22/
[6] - https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/04/20/bitcoin-blockchain-has-fourth-halving-in-15-year-history-in-show-of-monetary-policy-set-by-code/
[7] - https://blockchain.news/news/bitcoin-transaction-fees-experience-significant-drop-following-record-high
[8] - https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-miner-rewards-shrink-below-pre-halving-levels-as-network-fees-fall-sharply/
[9] - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-transaction-fees-plummet-record-050716283.html
[10] - https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/04/22/bitcoin-transaction-fees-come-crashing-down-post-halving/
[11] - https://www.businesstoday.in/crypto/token/story/bitcoin-halving-2024-how-mega-crypto-event-impacted-btc-price-investors-426460-2024-04-22
[12] - https://www.forbes.com/advisor/au/investing/cryptocurrency/bitcoin-halving-event-2024/
[13] - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-bitcoin-halving-how-affect-you-convexity-jjsac
[14] - https://m.economictimes.com/markets/cryptocurrency/how-does-bitcoin-halving-impact-the-bitcoin-price/articleshow/109410406.cms
[15] - https://sovryn.com/all-things-sovryn/bitcoin-runes-tokens


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